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Access the 7th Asia SHN Training materials
These materials includes the latest cutting edge SHN tools, research and practices, this course focused on strengthening health and nutrition management in schools; SHN policy, skills based health education, school-based health services and integrated school health programming.
Materials also cover a special symposium on Mainstreaming inclusive SHN: School Health Integrated
Programming (SHIP)
Find out more.
09/04/2018 It is with great sadness that I share with you the news of the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Professor Tsutomu Takeuchi.Many of you will have already seen the lovely WHO obituary. It tells of his life as a driving force behind the global momentum that we see today towards the control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases. In both his homeland of Japan and on the global platform, he succeeded in helping change the lives of so many people for the better. He is best known in the scientific community for his seminal work on malaria, but perhaps his major public health contribution was to raise global political awareness of NTDs, especially deworming, through the HashimotoInitiative and its focus on how Japan had in earlier days fought and won the fight against these diseases. He held many esteemed positions, and despite battling ongoing health issues, he still took the time to become a member of the Partnership for Child Development's Advisory Board. He was a great man, a wise man, and always so humble. We all looked to him as a mentor and a font of wisdom, not just about worms, but on life as a whole. He recently invited a few of us to visit Kyoto with him. He was as always the gracious host, taking us to some of the most historically and philosophically important Shinto and Buddhist sites in Japan, introducing us to the culture he loved. He must have known then that this would likely be our last visit together. He was a wonderful person to be around. He was fun, willing and with a very mischievous and infectious smile. He brightened the room.I write on behalf of all at the Partnership for Child Development to send sincere condolences to his family and friends who he held so dear.Takeuchi san, your kind soul will be sorely missed.Dr Lesley DrakeExecutive Director, PCD Read more 21/03/2018 Last month, 37 school health and nutrition specialists from governments and NGOs in 3 countries took part in the 7th Asia School Health and Nutrition (SHN) training course in Bangkok. The internationally renowned course is designed to develop the capacity of SHN stakeholders from all stages in their career to develop and implement effective and sustainable SHN policies and programmes that can benefit all children. With a focus on shared learning, policy analysis and the latest tools and practices, the course covered health and nutrition management in schools and the importance of SHN policy, skills based health education, school-based health services and a safe school environment. This year's course focussed on equity, inclusion and mainstreaming, including presenting recently published findings and case-studies. The course occurs on an annual basis, with a limited number of places to ensure that participants benefit from a personalised and tailored learning environment. To help share some of the learnings from the course we asked participants to name the tools and resources that they would recommend to their colleagues.
- Learn from other countries' experiences
Ae Mon Htun– Assistant Director of School Health, Ministry of Health and Sports, Myanmar
Myanmar's Ae Mon Htun quotI was interested in strengthening my knowledge of school nutrition so as to support Myanmar's efforts to implement a nationwide school feeding programme that is uniform and sustainable. This something which other countries in the region had successfully implemented. quot quotI wanted to learn how other countries had scaled up their feeding programmes, how they sustained them and what policies they had implemented. A key learning was the importance of gaining cross sectoral buy-in from the Ministries of Health and Education. quot quotYou can learn a lot from each other, identifying potential solutions based on the experiences - both good and bad – that other countries have had. quot quotOn returning home to Myanmar a key task will be to develop a school feeding policy, this means advocacy, awareness raising, technical working groups and raising the interest and commitment from political leaders. quot
Resources you can use 58
Sign up to the Asia SHN Network Facebook pageNetwork and share tools, tips and resources from SHN stakeholders based in Asia. Sign up to the page at
Download country presentations SHN training courseAll countries that participated in training course gave presentations on the SHN situation in their country and their projected work plans to strengthen SHN. Download the presentations from
2 - Get to know your country's policy environment
Sajani Prava Bajracharya.
- School Meal Programme, World Food Programme Nepal.
Nepal's Sajani Prava Bajracharya.
(c) with Thai pupils during a school visit quotI attended the course to improve my understanding of how to forumlate school health policies, how they link together and how different countries use different policies to implement and sustain SHN programmes. I wanted to gain a better holistic picture of SHN so that I could better link the school meal programme with other activities and initiatives. quotIn Nepal there are a lot of NGOs working in different regions and on different programmes, this can throw up lots of duplication of activities. This course introduced me to the policy analysis tool SABER or Systems Approach for Better Education Results Framework. quotFor me the SABER was incredibly helpful exercise in analysing SHN in my country, it's almost like going to the doctor to diagnose what the issues are with SHN. quot quotDuring the SABER exercise we realised that Nepal already had a number of policies in place that hadn't been fully implemented due to a lack of funding, community engagement or cross sectoral collaboration. quot quotWhen I go home I'm keen to implement a cross-sectoral programme that works with communities to tackle junk food intake in schools. quot
Resources you can use 58
Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) Framework SABER is framework developed by the World Bank to collect, compare and evaluate education policies from around the world.
At the country level, it provides education systems analyses, assessments, diagnosis, and opportunities for dialogue. At the global level, it improves the education systems knowledge base and uses this information to implement effective reforms. Visit the SABER website
3- Integrate both your programmes and your stakeholders
Sangay Thinley - Comprehensive School Health Programme, Ministry of Health, Bhutan.Kungzang Deki- School Health and Nutrition Division, Ministry of Education, Bhutan. quotThe focus on integration during this course was very relevant for SHN in Bhutan, both in terms of integrating the work of different sectors and also integrating different interventions. quot
Bhutan's Sangay Thinley (R) on a school visit with colleagues from Nepal, Pakistan and Cambodia quotIn SHN it's not just health alone, there are many actors, it is at its most effective when there is cross sectoral collaboration. For example in school feeding it involves stakeholders from agriculture, health and education. Unfortunately, from my experience there is still a lot of people working in the own silos or boxes. quot quotBhutan has experience of integrating different interventions such as linking deworming with Vitamin A supplementation, school based health screening and vaccination programmes. We learnt from the initiatives such as the School Health Integrated Programming, that to strengthen and sustain these comprehensive SHN programmes we need to mainstream integration into the country's Education Sector Plans. quot quotWe have included integration as a key framework in the SHN action plan that we will be taking back home with us. We'll be briefing our immediate bosses and developing terms of reference for an integration committee made up of stakeholders to identify how best to implement an integrated strategy quot
Resources you can use 58
School Health Integrated Programming (SHIP)SHIP is a joint Initiative of the
World Bank,
Sightsavers and Imperial College London's Partnership for Child Development with funding from the
Global Partnership for Education. It aims to support Governments to develop, implement and mainstream comprehensive inclusive SHN policies and programmes. As part of this work the initiative has developed a suite of manuals and training guidelines to support the education sector in designing an SHN programme. The guidelines cover operationalizing school-based deworming and eye health programmes, and include a teacher's handbook for supporting inclusive SHN in the classroom and the school.
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4 - Use the evidence-base to advocate for SHN
Noy Sidavong -Department of Early Childhood Education, Ministry of Education and Sports, Laos.
Phanyathip Lathasing - Suvannakhet Teacher Training College, Laos. Sitthideth Saengsouly - Department of Education, Provincial Education and Sports Service, Laos.
Noy Sidavong and Sitthideth Saengsouly discussing Laos's action plan with Imperial College's Dr Laura Appleby
quotThe course provides a lot of relevant evidence and information on how countries have strengthened their school health programmes and policies. We were able to critically assess SHN provision in Laos and use the experiences of other countries to identify ways to strengthen our own programmes. We'll be taking back a number of ideas and approaches to implement once we get back. quot quotIn Laos, we have high primary school dropout rates, in part due to poor health of the children. In the action plan we developed at the end of the week, we've targeted increasing school-based health screening as a means to identify and treat health issues before they force children to drop out. quot quotThere is only a small budget for SHN in Laos so we will need to advocate for funding to support any new screening initiatives. To do this we'll put forward a case to the Ministry which, using the tools and knowledge presented throughout the week by the course tutors and professors, evidences the positive impact that SHN can have on the health and education of children. quot quotWe'll be presenting a report to the Ministry containing the evidence of impact that different SHN interventions will have on educational outcomes and the knock on effect this has on the wider economy. We'll also be advocating for SHN at a range of meetings highlighting the importance of SHN and what Laos needs gaps are in terms of strengthening its SHN programmes. quot quotLearnings from the course will be included in the teacher training programmes run at both national and regional levels. quot
Resources you can use 58
Child and Adolescent Health and Development Vol 8 in Disease Control Priorities Ed 3
Download PDFThe latest research findings and evidence for the impact of school health and nutrition have been recently published in a volume of Disease Control Priorities 3rd Edition. This seminal publication is updated once a decade and contains chapters looking at all the issues affecting the health and development of children and adolescents aged 5-9
Lectures and handout materialsAll the materials and lectures presented at the 7th Asia SHN training course are available for download from http 58// In addition to the lectures, presentations from a special symposium on
Mainstreaming Inclusive School Health amp Nutrition are available for download.
AcknowledgementsThe Asia SHN course was run in partnership with the Asian Centre of International Parasite Control (ACIPAC) at Mahidol University’s Faculty of Tropical Medicine in Parasitic Disease Control, the Japan Consortium for Global School Health Research (JC-GSHR) and the Partnership for Child Development (PCD) at Imperial College London, with support from
Sightsavers, the
Global Partnership for Education and the
World Bank.
The Symposium on Mainstreaming Inclusive School Health amp Nutrition was supported by GPE, Sightsavers, PCD and the World Bank with funding from the Global Partnership for Education as part of the School Health Integrated Programming Initative. Read more 01/03/2018 On the st March, the continent of Africa joins together to mark the Africa Day of School Feeding. A day when countries celebrate and acknowledge the impact that providing a school meal can have on the health, education and wealth of communities up and down the continent.One place where this celebration will be felt most keenly is in Nigeria. A country whose government has developed, implemented and funded one of the largest and most ambitious school feeding programmes ever attempted in Africa. Launched in 2, the National Home Grown School Feeding Programme has grown quickly to provide hot, nutritionally balanced school meals to over 7 million children every school day.This growth is the product of US$ million invested each year by the Nigerian Government as part of a wider National Social Investment Programme designed to support economically challenged and vulnerable groups across the country. The HGSF programme which uses food procured from local smallholder farmers has been described as a 'win-win-win' for the communities who are engaged with the programme. School children benefit from free nutritionally balanced hot meals local agricultural economies benefit from being able to supply the schools with the ingredients used in the meals and local communities benefit from the employment opportunities provided by the programme - over 72, cooks have been trained and hired as part of the Nigerian programme. Under the guidance of the Vice President's office with technical support from
Imperial College's Partnership for Child Development, the programme is currently working with 22 state governments to provide meals in over 5. schools. The target is for a fully national programme covering all 3 states by the end of 28. Speaking from a special event in Rome convened by the World Food Programme to mark Africa School Meals Day,
Dr Lesley Drake, PCD's Executive Director, and lead editor of the
Global School Feeding Sourcebook highlighted the impact that investments into HGSF can have on communities
quotThe evidence shows that when implemented effectively HGSF is beneficial to school children, farmers and the community as a whole. School feeding supports the overall development of school children, increasing both their educational and health outcomes. By procuring food from local farmers they act as effective investments into rural economies, boosting agricultural production and incomes. These interventions have been shown to have the greatest impact on those most at need, acting as a social safety net to ensure that no child is left behind. quotWith millions of more children set to benefit from his programme in the coming months, it is safe to say there will be a lot of Nigerians celebrating this year's African Day for School Feeding. Find out more about
Home Grown School Feeding
Read more 30/05/2017
The School Heath Initiative Programming (SHIP) initiative is a global programme that supports governments in Cambodia, Senegal, Ghana and Ethiopia to strengthen and integrate their school health programmes.
The initiative is collaboration between the World Bank,
Imperial College London's Partnership for Child Development (PCD) and Sightsavers with funding from the Global Partnership for Education.
A component of this programme has been supporting the training of teachers in the basic skills necessary for the early identification of pupils with vision and hearing challenges or intellectual disabilities. Once identified the children can then be referred for early medical treatment.
One such teacher who has benefited from this training is Ellen Sakyiwaa, a home economics teacher from Denkyembour in Ghana. The below article is her story as told to the
Times Educational Supplement Magazine.
A day in the life of…Ellen Sakyiwaa
Teaching in a mining district in Ghana, this home economics teacher has to contend with lack of supplies, outbreaks of malaria and large class sizes.
I’ve been a teacher for almost 22 years and have spent most of my teaching career in Atwatia in the Denkyembour district, which is the main centre for diamond mining in Ghana.
On a typical day, I get up before dawn, at 5am. I make breakfast for my three children and then walk or drive to school, which is just 2 minutes from where I live. Lessons start at 7.5am.
I currently teach home economics to boys and girls between the ages of 2 and 3, but I really prefer working with older students, who are 5 or . That’s because this is a very critical age for young people, when they are beginning to question authority and to think more independently. It is a time when a teacher can make a real impact. I always advise them to take their studies seriously, so that they can become responsible adults in future.
I also try to promote subjects like science and maths. In Ghana, there is a belief that these subjects are preserved for the male students, and that they are very difficult for girls to learn. But I want to see more girls enrolling to continue their studies in science and maths.
Prejudice about girls is not the only thing that makes teaching here difficult. One of our biggest problems is the huge number of students per class. There are about 4 children in our school, but there can be as many as 5 in one class.
The school also doesn’t provide us with much equipment, especially when it comes to practical work. When I teach a cooking lesson, the children and I have to find our own tools. We carry things like baking tins, scales and small stoves into school and the pupils contribute money to buy ingredients.
Health is another major problem. This is a mining community and after the miners dig holes, they don’t cover them up again. When it rains, the holes fill with water and the mosquitos breed there. Almost every day someone in the school will fall sick with malaria. Many children are also infected by bilharzia, a kind of parasitic worm that can damage organs including the bladder, kidneys and liver.
We recently had some training to screen our students’ eyesight and give out deworming tablets. It was run by our government along with the charity Sightsavers and Imperial College London’s Partnership for Child Development. Until then, I didn’t realise that some of the students sitting at the back of the classroom couldn’t see the writing on the chalkboard. I noticed they were struggling, but we didn’t know that they had a problem with their vision. Now, after a term with new glasses, these children are learning better.
We have a short break during the day for lunch and school finishes at 3pm. I sometimes have marking to do, so I take the books home. Juggling my time is not easy.
Every now and then, I bump into students who I used to teach. A few of them work at St Dominic’s hospital in Akwatia. Others are teachers, or work in other professional roles. Seeing them succeed makes me feel very happy. It reminds me that I love my job and that I’m proud to be a teacher.The original TES article can be accessed hereAdditional resourcesWorld Bank, GPE, PCD and Sightsavers partner to improve education through school healthGhana teachers trained as part of integrated approach to school health Read more