​Prevention and Teacher Training

This thematic area is aimed at discussing and analysing the national strategy for HIV&AIDS prevention using teachers at the basic and secondary levels and teacher training colleges to help students, out–of-school youth and the community to learn about HIV&AIDS and promote positive behaviour change. It also focuses on developing implementation plans to roll out in-service programs nationally.

For teachers to play an effective role in HIV prevention, care and support, the following questions are asked:

  • What is the best role for teachers to play in schools/communities in the fight against HIV&AIDS?
  • Among teachers, what are the gaps in skills, knowledge and attitudes to best perform these roles and how can these be met effectively and consistently in pre-service and in-service settings?
  • What are some of the teaching methodologies that can be used to reach out to students on HIV&AIDS issues?
  • What supporting role should be played by teacher and school inspectors, HIV&AIDS coordinators and counselling officers?
  • What can the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, District Councils, Development Partners and NGOs do to support teachers in this manner?
  • What are the links to other components of teacher training (e.g. tertiary education and early childhood development) that might support these initiatives as well?
  • What should be the balance between curricula and extra curricula activities?