​​​​Republic of Ghana 

For a summary of the Ghanaian Ministry of Education's response to HIV, including facts on Ghana's school health and nutrition (SHN) programme, please click on the following link: Ghana Country Data Sheet.pdf

This document is also available to download from the list below (in word and pdf) together with other relevant documents provided by the Ghanaian Ministry of Education. Due to their large size, some documents are unavailable but these can be sent upon request. To request these files and for further information please contact the Ghana Focal Point.

Ghana Focal Point

Hilda Eghan
HIV and AIDS Coordinator 
HIV/AIDS Secretariat Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 
tel: + 233 021 661 454/ 233021683424
e-mail: hilgan2003@yahoo.co.uk 

​Title ​Abstract
Contextualizing HIV/AIDS in educational planning and management​This study attempted to assess training needs for education managers and planners in the context of HIV/AIDS in Ghana.
​Draft National Strategic Framework II 2006 – 2010. 1st Draft (2005)Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).​This strategic framework builds on the perspectives identified and indicated in the first National Strategic Framework, the National HIV/AIDS/STI Policy and National and international commitments to fight the epidemic, while at the same time strengthening BCC targeting, expanding treatment care and support , combating stigma and discrimination, and implementing other priority programmes.
​HIV/AIDS in Ghana​This document is a product of the Ministry of Health, National AIDS/STI Control Programme. It provides very useful information on the status of the epidemic, its consequences, interventions to slow the spread of the virus and the policies and organizational structures that have been put in place to address all aspects of the epidemic.
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MOEYS) and Ghana Education Service (GES). ​HIV/AIDS Teaching Manual. – introduction​The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MOEYS) and Ghana Education Service (GES) recognise the vital role of teachers in the implementation of the MOEYS and GES Hiv/AIDS control programme. To achieve this objective, HIV/AIDS issues have been integrated into the syllabuses of relevant subjects. This manual is an atte​mpt to provide Basic School Teachers with appropriate methodologies for teaching HIV/AIDS issues in the classroom.​
​Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (2004) Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports HIV/AIDS policy - Final Draft​This document spells out statements of policy initiatives and defines broad guidelines for Agencies, Divisions and Units in MOEYS, private education providers and civil society groups to act in concert and ensure that interventions are executed.
Ministry of Education (2002) ​Sectoral HIV/AIDS Plan Ministry of Education 2002 – 2006 HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan ​This Sectoral Plan is a review and rationalization of the HIV/AIDS plans and more responsive to the National HIV/AIDS Strategic Framework. It was an important exercise that involved several stakeholders.
​HIV/AIDS Secretariat, MOES. Teachers – Agents of dissemination and change programme​This document is a report on Inception Activities, the Advocacy Workshop, and the TOT Workshop for National Training Team, the TOT Workshop for District Training Teams Ashnati, Central, Eastern and Greater Accra Regions.
Window of Hope. HIV/AIDS Curriculum for Teacher Training Colleges in Ghana (Trainee Manual) - introduction (2003)​This document is intended to be used by Teacher Training College tutors as they prepare teacher trainees for service in Ghanaian schools. It comprises 34 distinct sessions designed to be places out over the teacher training college cycle and incorporated into subject areas deemed most appropriate.
HIV and AIDS MoE Focal Point Survey 2007 - GhanaUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).​A summary of the Ghanaian Ministry of Education's response to HIV, including facts on Ghana's school health and nutrition (SHN) programme, the results from a survey of HIV Focal Points conducted in 2007.​
