
Goal 1: Strengthened management systems within the Eastern Africa sub-regional network for promoting and disseminating reliable, accurate and timely information to support the fight against HIV/AIDS







To facilitate harmonization of HIV&AIDS-responsive EMIS

Assess member countries EMIS


Develop/agree on common proxy indicators for HIV&AIDS-responsiveness

Financial and/or technical assistance

MOEs, Partners


MOEs (Planning departments)


To improve flow and sharing of information and experiences in the fight against HIV&AIDS in the sub-region

Organize for   knowledge/information sharing.


Develop a directory and/or mailing list of the key persons/institutions within the sub-region and initiate a sub-regional website

Financial and/or technical assistance

World bank (Regional Coordinator), MOEs, UNESCO, UNICEF and other partners, Focal Points

Goal 2:An enabling environment for HIV&AIDS strategic planning, policy development and Institutional support in the sub-region


To facilitate the development of HIV&AIDS country Education strategic plans and ensure their implementation by December 2006

Number of strategic plans developed and implemented

Technical expertise in strategic planning and funds

Ministry of Education Executive Officers/ World Bank and other partners


To Develop or/and harmonize the HIV&AIDS Education sector work policy guidelines for the sub-region

Policy guidelines in place by June 2006

Technical expertise on policy formulation

Education stakeholders and policy makers


To advocate with the HIV&AIDS national secretariat to strengthen  MOE’s HIV&AIDS coordination units

Meetings with the HIV/AIDS national secretariats

Funds or a sub-regional meeting of the key officials of the national HIV&AIDS national Secretariats

The World bank, national HIV&AIDS secretariats, Ministries of Education and other partners

Goal 3: Enhanced capacities of the national and regional implementers for accelerated response to the impact of HIV&AIDS in the Education sector


To enhance capacities of managers, supervisors and planners to support  ministries of education accelerated response to HIV&AIDS

National workshops

Financial, human and technical support

National AIDS’ Secretariats; Ministries of Education, World Bank ,UNESCO and other partners


To conduct in an accelerated manner, Education sector-wide capacity needs’ assessment of ministries of education as institutions, policy makers, planners education managers at different levels for responding to HIV&AIDS



Capacity needs’ assessment to identify performance gaps for accelerating responses to HIV&AIDS by the education sector

A Consultancy


Technical expertise



World Bank


Ministries of Education


National AIDS Secretariats

Goal 4: A broad-based functional partnership in support of the accelerated Education sector responses to HIV&AIDS


To introduce the network and its vision

Meeting of the sub-regional –based IATT members and other partners

Consultant to facilitate the meeting



World Bank and other partners


National AIDS Secretariats


To develop guidelines for the “Accelerate” partnership

Workshop to develop the guidelines


Produce a memorandum of understanding

Technical expertise and funds

IATT partners, Ministries of Education and AIDS secretariats

Goal 5: Research, monitoring and evaluation re-oriented to inform and facilitate the Education sectors’ accelerated responses to HIV&AIDS 


Mapping of the Education sectors’ responses to HIV&AIDS in member countries.

Undertake a mapping exercise in at least two countries by December 2006

Technical expertise and funding

IATT partners, Ministries of Education and National AIDS Secretariats


Review of the Education Sectors’ access to resources for “Accelerate” from outside the World Bank

Conduct a rapid assessment by June 2006

Technical expertise and funding

As above


Develop a list of the sub-regional common, and pertinent areas for research

Conduct a meeting of Ministries’ of Education planners, as well as university and media researchers

As above

As above


Develop guidelines and criterion for best practices in accelerating the education sectors’ responses to HIV/AIDS

Field a consultancy to coordinate a participatory process to develop the guidelines

As above

As above