For a summary of the Kenyan Ministry of Education's response to HIV, including facts on Kenya's school health and nutrition (SHN) programme, please click on the following link:

Kenya Country Data Sheet.pdf

Other relevant documents outlined below can be obtained from the Kenyan Ministry of Education Focal Point.

Kenya Ministry of Education Focal Point

Elizabeth Kaloki
HIV and AIDS focal person
Ministry of Education


​Kenya Institute of Education (1999) AIDS Education facilitators' handbook​This handbook will be an important resource for those facilitating the process of behaviour development and change among the youth in and out of school to acquire the necessary knowledge, attitude and skills to avoid being infected with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.
​Kenya Institute of Education (1999) AIDS education syllabus for schools and colleges ​This syllabus puts great emphasis on the need for behaviour development and change in order to combat the challenges posed by HIV/AIDS. It is hoped that the users of this syllabus will play a leading role in behaviour modification and helping others to lead AIDS and STD free life.
Kenya Institute of Education ​(1999) Bloom or Doom: Your ChoiceUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).​This is one of the books in a series on AIDS Education for youth in and out of school. This book provides information which will enable the youth to be responsible citizens who can make rational decisions for themselves. It will also help them develop healthy relationships with those they interact with. It aims at equipping the youth with knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to help them avoid being infected with HIV and other STDs.
​Republic of Kenya Government (2004) Education Sector Policy on HIV and AIDSUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).​In developing this sector policy, the ministry intends to facilitate broader understanding and strengthen partnerships between education service providers in the fight against scourge. Currently, the scourge is placing increased pressures on learners and educators by taking the lives of key actors. As such, the ministry acknowledges the potential threat from HIV and AIDS and will do everything possible to minimise its effects on both the education sector and society.​
​Kenya Institute of Education (2002) Evaluating HIV/AIDS Prevention Education in Primary SchoolsUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).​The objective of this evaluation program is to determine the cost effectiveness of quality HIV/AIDS education in reducing the risky sexual behaviour among adolescents, and to compare the cost effectiveness of this approach relative to other approaches, such as helping children stay in school and empowering them by reducing the cost of education.
Kenya Institute of Education ​Good Health. Facts about STDs and AIDS​This magazine aims to inform adolescents about sexually transmitted diseases with a special focus on HIV/AIDS.
Highridge Teachers College (2003) ​HIV and AIDS PolicyUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).​This policy document provides an overview of Kenya's HIV and AIDS situation, the policies put in place by the Kenya Government to contain the scourge and Highridge Teachers College response to the epidemic. The document also highlights the college's principles and values, the legal issues on HIV and AIDS, the rights and responsibilities of the infected and the affected, the integration of HIV and AIDS curriculum into teaching and service activities, strategies for intervention, implementation and reviews.
Director of Personnel Management, Office of the President, Republic of Kenya ​(2005) HIV and AIDS workplace policy for the public sectorUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).​This policy has been developed to address the crisis imposed by the pandemic in the Public Sector. It aims at providing guidance to the management of employees who are infected and affected by HIV and AIDS and prevention of further infections. The policy also defines the public sector's position and practices for the multi-sectoral response to HIV and AIDS pandemic. In addition, it provides guidance for those who deal with the day-to-day HIV and IADS related issues and problems that arise within the workplace and also outlines employee's responsibilities, rights and expected behaviour.
Thomas Gichana, Kagumo College (2001) ​Kagumo College HIV/AIDS PolicyUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).​Kagumo College recognizes the fact that HIV/AIDS is a milestone that is of everyone's concern, not only within the College but also within the country and the globe as a whole It is the vision of the college to integrate HIV/AIDS into it's curriculum – teaching, research, co-curricular activities and community services.
Republic of Kenya Government​ (2003) Kenya National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2005/6 – 2009/10. A Call to Action. Draft 3Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window). ​The Kenya National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan (KNASP) provides the framework and context within which strategies, plans and budgets should be formulated, monitored and coordinated.​
Kenya Institute of Education​ (1999) Let Us Talk About AIDS. A book for Class 1,2 and 3Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window). ​This is one of the books in a series on AIDS Education for youth in and out of school. The book provides information which will enable the youth to be responsible citizens who can make rational decisions for themselves. It will also help them develop healthy relationships with those they interact with. It aims at equipping the youth with knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to help them avoid being infected with HIV and other STDs.​
Kenya Institute of Education​ (1999) ​Let Us Talk About AIDS. A book for Class 4 and 5Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window). ​This is one of the books in a series on AIDS Education for youth in and out of school. The book provides information which will enable the youth to be responsible citizens who can make rational decisions for themselves. It will also help them develop healthy relationships with those they interact with. It aims at equipping the youth with knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to help them avoid being infected with HIV and other STDs.​
Kenya Institute of Education (1999) ​Let Us Talk About AIDS. A book for Class 6, 7 & 8Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).​This is one of the books in a series on AIDS Education for youth in and out of school. The book provides information which will enable the youth to be responsible citizens who can make rational decisions for themselves. It will also help them develop healthy relationships with those they interact with. It aims at equipping the youth with knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to help them avoid being infected with HIV and other STDs.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2005) ​Kenya Education Sector Support Programme 2005 – 2010 – executive summary​The Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP) comprises twenty three investment programmes focusing on the sector as a whole. It is intended to operationalize the budget for priotized programmes, which when accomplished will ensure that the goals and objectives spelt out in our policy documents are attained.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2005)​Kenya Education Sector Support Programme 2005 – 2010 – complete document​The Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP) comprises twenty three investment programmes focusing on the sector as a whole. It is intended to operationalize the budget for priotized programmes, which when accomplished will ensure that the goals and objectives spelt out in our policy documents are attained.
National AIDS Control Council (2005) ​National HIV/AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Framework​The goal of the National HIV/AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Framework is to guide collection, analysis, use and dissemination of information that enables the tracking of progress made in response to HIV/AIDS and enhances informed decision-making. It provides an environment for inclusion of new fresh ideas on Monitoring and Evaluation and improvement of indicators in line with efforts done by the experts and organizations working on Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2004)​ School Health Activity GuideUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window). ​The intent of this kit is to provide teachers, peer supporters and pupils with a guide that can help them initiate and maintain a health club within their own school. It is hoped that this guide will give people ideas and suggestions on the kinds of activities that promote health.​
​Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2004) School Health Activity GuideUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).​The intent of this kit is to provide teachers, peer supporters and pupils with a guide that can help them initiate and maintain a health club within their own school. It is hoped that this guide will give people ideas and suggestions on the kinds of activities that promote health.
Ministry of Education, Kenya​ (2007) HIV and AIDS MoE Focal Point Survey 2007 - KenyaUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window). ​A summary of the Kenyan Ministry of Education's response to HIV, including facts on Kenya's school health and nutrition (SHN) programme, the results from a survey of HIV Focal Points conducted in 2007.​