Next week sees the launch of the UK NTD Coalition which aims to promote awareness and action on NTDs by bringing together UK organisations and policy makers.

As well as the coalition launch the second report of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Malaria and NTDs is also being released. This report highlights the progress being made to control NTDs and will inform UK parliamentarians of the current global situation.

The launch of the Coalition and Report will be marked during a meeting in Parliament on Tuesday 13 September at 3pm (in Thatcher Room, Portcullis House, Westminster).

If you would like to attend this event please contact the APPG coordinator- Susan Dykes

Lesley Drake, Executive Director of Partnership for Child Development (PCD) and Deworm the World (DtW) will be sharing her experiences of working on the partnership approach to school based deworming.

As you may know, more than 400 million school-age children are infected with parasitic worms. It has been shown that these worms harm children’s health and development and limits their participation in school. Deworming is widely recognized as one of the most cost-effective ways to improve educational achievement among school-aged children.

Deworm the World since it was formed in DtW has reached 20 million children in 27 countries by supporting governments to develop, sustain and expand national school based deworming programmes.

During the Parliamentary meeting presentations will also be made by David Molyneux (Centre for Neglected Tropical Diseases) Dr Paul Emerson (Carter Centre) Professor Alan Fenwick (Schistosomiasis Control Initiative), Archana Patel (Sightsavers), Dr Lorenzo Savioli (World Health Organisation).

Further information