In September, the International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ISNTD) is hosting ISNTD Philanthropy, a one day conference charting the evolution of philanthropy within global health, NTDs and development as well as assessing some of the most dynamic and innovative tools and forces in this field. We hope to drive greater advocacy for the NTDs and diseases of poverty among donor communities and continue to foster new and effective global partnerships.

The conference will centre around the four sessions on:

  • Trends in philanthropy for NTDs and global health
  • Emergence of East Asian philanthropy and development finance
  • Innovative & venture philanthropy
  • Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility 

Confirmed speakers include:

Dr. Julie Jacobson - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Senior Programme Officer
Dr Klaus Brill - Bayer Pharma - Vice President Corporate Commercial Relations
Ms. Michèle Joanisse - Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative - Head of Fundraising
Dr. BT Slingsby -  Global Health Innovative Technology Fund - CEO & Executive Director
Dr. Neeraj Mistry - Director - Global Network for NTDs
Ms. Louise Savell - Social Finance London 

Leading up to the conference, the ISNTD continue to welcome submissions of abstracts for any research, audit, thought leadership or report relating to the role of philanthropy in global health with a preferred focus on neglected tropical diseases. Papers describing work in progress are eligible and selected work will be displayed as a poster during the entire course of the conference.

Please do get in touch with Kamran Rafiq – - if you would like to submit material for the Conference Handbook / Project Portfolio (there is a cost involved), to consult past examples or to obtain an abstract submission form.

Register here for the ISNTD Philanthropy conference
Sept 29th 2014
Foundling Museum London