​A new forum to highlight opportunities for scientifically grounded investments in young children is to be hosted by the Institute of Medicine in Washington DC on April 17 - 18, 2014.  'Investing in Young Children Globally (iYGP) : The Cost of Inaction' will be co-chaired by DCP3 author Zulfiqar Bhutta and will provide an interactive public workshop to discuss investments in terms of allocations of economic, natural, social, and other resources that sustain or promote human development and well-being.​

IOM logoSpeakers will include child development experts Donald Bundy (World Bank) ​,Lia Fernald (University of California, Berkeley), Mickey Chopra (UNICEF) and Maysoun Chehab (UNESCO).  They will explore the question of whether the science conver​ges on a set of universal elements that support optimal development from preconception to age 8.

​​This event is open to the public.  Click here to register for the meeting or join via webcast.  Further information is available through the IOM’s website​.  Follow the forum on Twitter using #iYCG. 

Click here for a draft agenda. 
