​In 2000, world leaders made a commitment to get all children into school by 2015. With a little under three years to go to that deadline 57 million children around the world still do not go to school.

To tackle this shortfall, in 2013 Partnership for Child Development's Lesley Drake joined forces joined forces with HE John Kufour, Gordon and Sarah Brown and partners from the UN’s Education First Initiative to strengthen our efforts and make a final push to get all children into school and learning.

LancetIn October 2012 a Taliban gunman boarded a school bus and shot 15-year-old Malala Yousafzai because they feared her strong voice in the fight for women’s rights and youth education. She survived, but that is not the end of the story.

On 12th July 2013, Malala turned 16, and she’s spent her birthday at the UN Youth Assembly making her first public speech since the Taliban attempted to take her life.

Since this time she has called on global leaders to end this education emergency, and our friends at A World At School are continuing to gather signatures for a petition to support her.

Please join us in supporting Malala’s fight to bring the 57 million out-of-school youth – especially girls – access to education by 2015. Sign the: A World At School Petition​. 

Thank you for supporting Education for All.