18-29 May 2009 "Teachers and HIV & AIDS: Reviewing achievements, identifying challenges" online forum.
UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) and the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education are organizing an E-Forum on "Teachers and HIV & AIDS: Reviewing achievements, identifying challenges" from 18 to 29 May 2009.
This Forum aims to promote the exchange of views and experiences on the contribution of teachers to HIV prevention and mitigation efforts and the impact of the epidemic on teachers.
The outcomes of the Forum will also directly feed into the Spring meeting of the UNAIDS IATT on Education, hosted by Irish Aid in Limerick, Ireland in June 2009, which has "˜Teachers and HIV & AIDS: Reviewing achievements, identifying challenges’ as its Symposium theme. A report on the outcomes of the discussion will also be available more widely on the IIEP’s HIV and AIDS Education Clearinghouse following the Forum.
The organizers are inviting a wide range of stakeholders to join the Forum including educational planners, policy-makers, representatives of teachers’ unions, members of HIV-positive teacher networks, teachers and other education sector staff, civil society stakeholders, donors, UNAIDS Cosponsors and other multilateral agencies, and colleagues who work on HIV and AIDS responses in other sectors.
To join the Forum, please send an e-mail message to: hiv-aids-clearinghouse@iiep.unesco.org, stating your name, title, organization and nationality. We will then send you detailed instructions on how to access the Forum and to contribute to the discussion.
Please note that you can sign up anytime prior to or during the Forum but the Forum will be active only from 18 May.
More information is contained within the attached document.