CEDAPS and the Network of Healthy Communities

Civil Society Organization, the CEDAPS Center for Health Promotion hasworked in the field ofcommunity health for the last 20 years.


Duringthis time, it created and coordinated the Network of Healthy Communities; a network of 150 grassroots groups based in the favelas of Rio and other cities, strengthening their capacity to progress into inclusive development initiatives.

At the same time the network works with various partners to advocate and mobilize resources for health and education equity.



The creation of Everybody's School

Through the healthy communities collective, CEDAPS has successfully implemented a number of school health and inclusion initiatives, such as "Everybody's School", which has been supportedby the Partnership for Child Development (PCD) and the Inter American Institute on Disability and Inclusive Development (iiDi).


One of the network members, EDUCAP, a very committed organization based in "Favela do Alem" (which has a large community with more than 80,000 inhabitants) was chosen by the British Embassy to host Prince Harry's visit to Brazil in March 2012, and accordingly,to receive a donation for its continued work.


The Partnership for Child Development's support to Everybody's School

Prince Harry visits Everybody's SchoolEducap's leader Lucia, an incredible asset to the organization works tirelessly with her community, todeliverall kinds of education and inclusive activities including: literacy courses, support groups to ex-youth offenders, HIV and chronic diseases prevention and many more. The organization's facilitywas builtfrom recycled shipparts to form a modern, beautiful and sustainable construction.


British influence in the history of CEDAPS goes back a long way, including early collaboration in 2006 between the Dreyfus Health Foundation and the Partnership for Child Development to introduce a methodology called "Problem Solving for Better Health" (PSBH).Thissaw health and inclusion promotionof children with disabilities in schools and communities.

Partnerships such as Everybody's School in Complexo do Alem, which Prince Harry visited in March 2012, are examples of what can be accomplished through collaboration,and additionalcontributions such as those from PCD makessuch achievements greater.

Read theoriginal article on Prince Harry's visit to the project on Brazilian news blog Globo.

    Read more about PCD's work with Everybody's School on schoolsandhealth page, Including children with disabilities: challenges and responses in school health and nutrition programmes.