At the end of last year (Nov 28 - 29th),an International Conference on School MentalHealth (SMH)was held in Montreal, Canada. Attended by 700 participants the conference principally focused on ecological and systems-based approaches toSMH promotion.

A series of webinars on: implementation, capacity and sustainability in approaches to increase SMH promotion were the focus of the conference.

These webinars which have also demonstrated the value of the internet and the role of the international school health network,included: a discussion and interview on capacity, an overview of a systems-based approach to School Health promotion, a research-based model for inter-agency cooperation in School Mental Health (SMH), the beginning of a discussion on maintaining fidelity to research-based programmes and comprehensive approaches and a discussion of the many topics/issues associated withimplementation, capacity, sustainability and systems change.

Theconference was co-hosted by the Canadian Association for School Health alongside itspartners: the Institut nationale de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ),the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE),and the International School Health Network (ISHN).

The next webinars/web meetings held by the Canadian Association will feature:

"¢ April 16 at 8:00 am (Ottawa time) A Capacity-based Blueprint for School Mental Health Promotion will include participants from several countries discussing Ministry, Agency/School Board, School and Professional Capacities in School Mental Health Promotion

"¢ April 24 at 16:00 (Ottawa time) Dr. Sharon Stephan, Director, Center on School Mental Health, University of Maryland. Laura Brey, Director of Professional Services, National Assembly on School-based Health Care and Linda Anderson, West Virginia Expanded School Mental Health Initiative will discuss The Critical Factors in Inter-Ministry Policy, Collaboration and Leadership in School Mental Health

​For more information on the webinars,visit theCanadian School Health Communitywebsite.