​Imperial College London's Partnership for Child Development (PCD) is supporting countries to develop their schoolhealth policies which coordinate effective school health interventions improving the health, nutrition and development of schoolchildren across sub-Saharan Africa.     

To do this, PCD are supporting the use of renowned research tools, the World Bank's Systems Approach for Better Education Results and the FRESH partners M&E core and thematic indicators, which used by the countries will develop roadmaps of school health policy development and analysis so key focus school health interventions can be identified. 

Monitoring the Ethiopia School Health Initiative  

As part of this support, in late 2014 a School Health and Nutrition regional stakeholder's forum was held in Ethiopia's Southern Nations and Nationalities Peoples' Region to review what and how school health policies work in the region. The forum was attended by the Regional Bureaus of Education and Water, the Federal Ministry of Education, World Food Programme, PCD and Dubai Cares. ​

During and following the forum, PCD supported the development of an M&E plan which will help the Ethiopia Government develop its national SHN strategy, looking at what school health intervention indicators are available, so that more school health initiatives can be rolled out across the country.

The Ethiopia experience will be shared across sub-Saharan Africa, so other countries can carry out similar exercises which put into place effective school health programmes. ​