​​​​​​The success and countrywide scale-up of Nigeria's national Home Grown School Feeding programmes was reviewed by key decision makers at a recent high level meeting held in Kaduna State on 24-26 April. 

The event brought together representatives of 18 state governments, the Office of the Vice President and key techncial advisors and backers to review the performance of the programme with a view to learning from best practices. The meeting sought to align the different state implementation strategies with those of the national HGSF framework and the five global standards. 

Launched in 2016, the national HGSF programme led by the Vice President's office with technical support from Imperial College's Partnership for Child Development (PCD),  provides school children with a free nutritionally-balanced and locally-​sourced hot meal every school day. The programmes is designed to improve school enrolment and completion, stimulate agricultural production and create employment opportunities for the community. 

The programme is currently working with the governments in 18 Nigerian states to provide sustainable school meals to 5.5 million children in public primary schools. By 2019 the Federal Government is looking to expand the programme nationally to all 36 states. Once fully realised the programme aims to feed 24 million children, making it the largest school programme in Africa. 

​Speaking at the event, Dr Lesley Drake, PCD’s Executive Director, hailed the efforts of the Government in implementing such a large-scale initiative, 

“The evidence shows that when implemented effectively HGSF is a win-win-win for school children, farmers and the community as whole. This programme is already benefiting millions of families across Nigeria. It is exciting to know that many millions more will be benefiting from the national scale up of school feeding."

The continued success and scale-up of this programme is a result of the commitment shown by both the Federal and State governments."

NHGSFP is part of national Social Investment Plan (SIP) promoting social protection under the Office of the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Dr Lesley Drakes, Executive Director, Partnership for Child Development, Imperial College London delivering her goodwill message at the Organised National Home Grown School Feeding Programme Review Meeting in Kaduna with Dr. Davis Omotola Head Partnership & Advocacy UNICEF, Mariam Uwais Special Adviser to The President on Social Investment Office of the Vice President, Bimbo Adesanmi Programme Manager National Home Grown School Feeding Programme, Tunde Osibamowo Senior Special Assistant to the President on Monitoring and Evaluation on the high table.  (c) Sesco Photography 2017
Mallam Nasir El-Rufai Executive Governor of Kaduna State delivering his goodwill message at the Organised National Home Grown School Feeding Programme Review Meeting in Kaduna with Mariam Uwais Special Adviser to The President on Social Investment Office of the Vice President, Dr  Lesley Drakes Executive Director Partnership for Child Development, Imperial College London, Bimbo Adesanmi Programme Manager National Home Grown School Feeding Programme on the high table with him. Mon. 24Apr2017 (c) Sesco Photography 2017
Office of the Vice President and Ministry of Budget and National Planning Organised National Home Grown School Feeding Programme  Review Conference in ASAA PYRAMID HOTELS, Kaduna Mon. 24Apr2017