It was World Malaria Day on the 25th April, which was this year themed, "sustain lives, save lives: invest in Malaria"; calling on the sustainable and sufficient funding of programmes to control malaria.


In its World Malaria Report 2011 the World Health Organization noted that although progress had been made towards malaria eradication, there was still a resurgence in three African countries.



Malaria Control in Schools Toolkit

Whether the Malaria map shrinks or is reclaimed by Malaria parasites very much depends on the resources invested in control efforts over the next few years.

The Malaria Control in Schools toolkit aims to enable education professionals to develop effective programmes on the prevention and control of malaria for school-age children within malaria endemic countries.

For further information visit the Malaria Page. Find Country Programmes on Malaria,articles in the Malaria Bibliography & Document Downloads.

Visit the website of the Malaria Consortiumfor more in-depth information.