World Sight Day, which takes place on 11th October each year is an annual dayof awareness to focus global attention on blindness, visual impairment & rehabilitation of the visually impaired.


Schoolchildren reading textbooks in KenyaImproving Child Vision is essential for child development; especially concerning a child's performance in school, absenteeism & drop out. 180 million children are estimated to benefit from vision correction in low income countries. The majority of these children do not have access to affordable eye examination or a pair of glasses.


Child Vision Resources & Articles

Find out more on the work achieved on Technologies to help children see clearly in the developing world & specifically, Improving Child Vision in Cambodia. And read the report The 2nd Oxford Conference on Vision for Children in the Developing World.

All partners concerned with preventing visual impairment or restoring sight are involved in World Sight Day, which has become a key event for the prevention of blindness and Vision 2020 - a global effort to prevent blindness.