​The annual training courses on Strengthening Contemporary School Health, Nutrition and HIV Prevention Programmes is a prestigious international workshop that seeks to enable governments and other organisations in low income countries improve the health and education of millions of the world’s poorest children. 

The principal objective of this training is to provide educationalists, public health professionals and community development workers from across the globe with an up-to-date, comprehensive introduction to concepts and current practices in improving the health, nutrition and education of schoolchildren. 

Strengthening skills and forming new partnerships

Participants are able to strengthen their skills, access the latest research and knowledge, form new partnerships, exchange experiences, address their country-specific needs, enhance their existing SHN activities, and use a results-based planning process to develop SHN and HIV prevention implementation plans and training manuals.

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The 1st Francophone School Health and Nutrition Short Course

After nine years of successfully running courses on Strengthening Contemporary School Health & Nutrition (SHN) Programmes in Anglophone Africa, two courses in Asia, and in response to requests from African Francophone countries, in October 2013 Partnership for Child Development (PCD) co-hosted the 1st French language course in sub-Saharan Africa in Senegal. Over 35 participants representing 13 Francophone African countries took part in the course.

The 4th Asia School Health and Nutrition Training Course 

​​Applications are now open for the 4th Asian SHN Training Course to be held in Bangkok, Thailand and which will focus on developing country-specific action plans reflecting all aspects of the Focusing Resources on Effective School Health (FRESH) Framework and learning about cutting-edge developments in the field. 

The 9th Africa School Health and Nutrition Short Course 

The 9th Annual Course on “Strengtheni​ng Contemporary School Health Nutrition and HIV Prevention Programmes” took place in June 2013 in Cape Coast, Ghana where participants including representatives from ministries of health, education, agriculture and social development from 12 African countries gathered to focus on best practice in SHN intervention

Information on all other courses can be accessed through the Training Course Archive.

Summary Map: Since launching  in 2005, 220 participants from 27 sub Saharan countries of the 5 sub regions have successfully completed the short course.