• ​Effective partnerships between teachers and health workers and between the education and health sectors - The success of school health programmes demands an effective partnership between Ministries of Education and Health, and between teachers and health workers.  The health sector retains the responsibility for the health of children, but the education sector is responsible for implementing, and often funding, the school based programmes.  These sectors need to identify responsibilities and present a coordinated action to improve health and learning outcomes from children.
  • Effective community partnerships - Promoting a positive interaction between the school and the community is fundamental to the success and sustainability of any school improvement process.  Community partnerships engender a sense of collaboration, commitment and communal ownership.  Such partnerships also build public awareness and strengthen demand.  Within the school health component of such improvement processes, parental support and cooperation allows education about health to be shared and reinforced at home. The involvement of the broader community (the private sector, community organizations and women’s groups) can enhance  and reinforces school health promotion and resources.  These partnerships, which should work together to make schools more child-friendly, can jointly identify health issues that need to be addressed through the school and then help design and manage activities to address such issues.
  • Pupil awareness and participation - Children must be important participants in all aspects of school health programmes, and not simply the beneficiaries.   Children who participate in: health policy development and implementation; efforts to create a safer and more sanitary environment; health promotion aimed at their parents, other children, and community members; and school health services, learn about health by doing.  This is an effective way to help young people acquire the knowledge, attitudes, values and skills needed to adopt healthy lifestyles and to support health and Education for All. ​