The World Bank (WB) has projected that extreme poverty should be eliminated completely or reduced globally, from 23% to 3%.


Professor Donald Bundy, Lead Head and Education Specialist at the World Bank, who made the projection, expressed regret that many nations are experiencing tremendous economic growth yet the poor are not benefitting from the progress.


Professor Bundy was addressing participants attending a School Health and Nutrition (SHN) Short Course in Elmina, Ghana on Monday. He said currently about one billion people the world over live in extreme poverty.


The 10-day course, which forms part of a series of SHN Courses for Africa, is being jointly organised by Partnership for Child Development, West Africa International Parasite Control of the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical research and Eastern and Southern Africa Centre of International Parasitic Control.


It is the ninth edition of the course and is being attended by representatives from ministries of health, education, gender and social development, SHN experts, civil society and academicians from 13 countries including Ghana, Senegal, Kenya, Nigeria, Angola China, United Kingdom, Cameroon and The Gambia.
  • ​​​Read more in the original article from Modern Ghana

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