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The webinars cover all areas of school health and nutrition with speakers draw from organisations engaged in furthering the aims and objectives of the FRESH movement.  ​​ This series builds on the SHN Webinar series by Save the Children which began in 2011 and over the past 5 years has brought speakers from the SHN sector of many organizations, including policy makers, researchers and practitioners.  

How to Join webinar

To access the FRESH webinar please click on the below link:

Join Skype Meeting or Join by Phone (Conference ID: 8127172355)​


Next Webinar - ​15th October​​ 2018​

Home Grown School Feeding

​​Monday 15 October 2018 
​- 09.00 EST/ 14:00 BST/  1​6.00 EAT/ 21:00 PHT
​Aulo Gelli - IFPRI

​​A wide range of SHN resources can be accessed at the ​UNESCO HIV & Health Clearing House Resource Library ​an​d the ISHN Bibliography/Toolbox​​

​Previous Webinar Recordings​

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​Presentation download

Eye Health Promotion in Schools: Components and costs​

Additional resources:​​

​​Eye Health Promotion in Schools: Components and Costs​ - Sept 2018

Imran Khan, Sightsavers
Guillaume Trotignon,  Sightsavers

Why is eye health promotion in schools important? What are its components?
What are the cost drivers and costs for school-based vision screening at scale? ​

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Additional resources:​

Health, Personal & Social Development 
Education & Learning: The Possibilities, the Pitfalls & the Practical​ - Aug 2018

Margarita Franco, Save the Children El Salvador 
Augusto Costas. Save the Children Bolivia
Lesley Graham, Save the Children USA

How do you integrate physical activity into school programs given the constraints of space and time? An opportunity to learn from Save the Children’s experience in the Americas:

  • El Salvador's health program that promotes healthy lifestyles focusing on nutrition, physical and emotional health. 
  • Bolivia’s “moving recess” and other strategies, what works better and why
  • Healthy Choices in the United States, exploring the successes and challenges of monitoring and evaluating outcomes​

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​Presentation download

Health, Personal & Social Development Education & Learning: The Possibilities, the Pitfalls & the Practical​​​

Additional resources:​

Health, Personal & Social Development 
Education & Learning: The Possibilities, the Pitfalls & the Practical​ - July 2018

David Selby, Sustainability Frontiers
Doug McCall, International School Health Network
Prof Daniel Laitsch, Simon Fraser University

This session explores the pitfalls relating to the very wide scope of the social role of schooling as well as in the various methods/entry points and the practical realities and capacities of school systems in different contexts (low resource, high resource and conflict/disaster-affected)

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​Additional resources:​

Renewing the Health Promoting Schools Approach​- June ​2018

Ben Faten Abdelaziz, World Health Organization, 
Didier Jourdan,  University of Clermont-Auvergne
Goof Buijs, Schools for Health Consultancy
Yuka Makino, World Health Organization 

​What is the WHO's strategy for Health Promoting Schools and how is that linked with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the WHO's 13th General Programme of Work? What learnings do the School for Health in Europe Network provide to fill gaps between policy and practice in high and low resource settings? What are the next steps for a renewed Health Promoting Schools Approach? 

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Presentation Downloads:​

Additional resources:​


Menstrual Hygiene for Girls : A Cups Pilot and Trial from Western Kenya & New Measurement Approaches - May 2018

Jacquelyn Haver, Save the Children 
Penelope Phillips-Howard, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine​

This webinar presents the results of a pilot feasibility study and follow-up trial from Kisumu, Western Kenya, testing the value of providing menstrual cups to school girls.  It outlines the effects and the costs of  menstrual-specific intervetions versus broader initiatives  have on adolescent girls’ sexual and reproductive health; school enrolment, retention, and attainment.

The webinar highlights the new tools are under development to assess the outcomes of menstrual health programming on girls' related self-efficacy, stress, and school participation.

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Presentation Downloads:​

Additional resources:​


The relevance to school health of Volume 8 “Child and Adolescent Development” of the third edition of Disease Control Priorities  ​- April 2018

Prof Donald Bundy, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

The latest edition of DCP includes for the first time a volume on child and adolescent health and development. This proposes two Essential Packages, one specifically for School Age Children. As the lead editor for Volume 8, Professor Bundy will explore the why, what and how of this proposition.

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Presentation Downloads:​

Additional resources:


Oral health promotion in school settings - best practice eaxmples, research results and challenges.   ​​- March 2018

Dr Bella Monse​(GIZ), ​Denise Duijster (ACTA), Habib Benzian (NYU)

Oral diseases are among the most common diseases worldwide, particularly for school-age children and adolescents. They pose significant public health problems for all countries and entail substantial health, social, and economic impacts. 

Simple and effective interventions exist to prevent most oral diseases. The school setting, among others, plays an important role. Specific focus will be on the integration of oral health promotion into Wash in Schools programming. Results from a multi country study in South East Asia will be presented and discussed.

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Additional resources:


How did Anna get her bananas? Food and Nutrition in Schools (FANS)  ​​- Feb 2018

Dr Caroline Hilari and Jeanne Long​, Save the Children

How do you ensure different sources of food and nutrition in schools?

Join us to learn about various school-based nutrition sensitive interventions, with examples​ from Latin America on school store regulations and decreasing junk food sales in schools.​

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Presentation Downloads:​

Additional resources:

Community-Led School Sanitation Construction: Improving sanitation infrastructure in hard-to-reach areas​​- November 2017

Katherine Pizzacalla, Chief Advisor, ​Fit for School ARMM Programme, GIZ

​The webinar will discuss the strategy used by the Department of Education and GIZ to provide support to improve sanitation infrastructure in selected schools in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, Philippines. The concept was developed as an alternative strategy to improve toilets in schools in conflict-affected areas where external construction teams could not access. The strategy focuses on School Based Management and the role of the School Community, led by the School Head, to ensure the construction is completed.​

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Presentation Downloads:​

Additional resources:

Promoting Mental Health, Providing Psycho-Social Support in Schools in Low Resource Countries​​​​ - October 2017

​Dr Stan Kutcher, IWK Health Centre, Dalhousie University, Canada​

This webinar focuses on how mental health programmes and teacher training can be delivered and sustained in low resource countries.  

Dr Kutcher's presented recent findings of a review of relevant research, reports and resources on school mental health in low resource countries. The webinar touched on how mental health programmes and teacher training can be delivered in low resource settings. 

​The webinar discussion sought to cover a range of issues related to how school health programmes can manage mental health problems. Topics covered in this discussion included:

  • ​The positive and negative aspects of mental health relevant to low resource settings. 

  • Accessing the skills, information and resources to provide basic adolescent mental health services.

  • How school health can work reduce stigma associated with mental health ​​​

Webinar part 1

Webinar part 2

The School Health Integrated Programming (SHIP) initiative - September 2017

Dr Laura Appleby, Partnership for Child Development, Imperial College London
Dr Imran Khan, Chief Global Technical Lead, Sightsavers

The School Heath Integrated Programming (SHIP) initiative is a global programme that tsupports governments to mainstream school health and nutrition interventions into national education sector plans. The initiative is focused on two cornerstones of school health and nutrition: deworming and vision screening. These two simple interventions can be used as a platform for other interventions.

As part of the programme the initiative worked with governments in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana and Senegal, to distribute treatments for intestinal worms and screen the eyes of 40,000 school children, giving glasses to those who need them. 

The initiative is collaboration between the World Bank Imperial College London's Partnership for Child Development (PCD) and Sightsavers with funding from the Global Partnership for Education.

​​ Global oral health promotion strategy - August 2017

Prof Paula Moynihan -  Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Nutrition and Oral Health at Newcastle University, UK​​​​

​​Global oral health promotion strategy: integrating oral health promotion into general health promotion through sugars reduction and targeting schoolchildren.

Topics covered include:

  • Oral health status of children
  • WHO Oral Health Strategy
  • Links between oral health and general health: the common risk factors
  • WHO Guideline on Sugars Intake
  • Current sugars intake by children and adults
  • Implications of WHO Guideline for policy and practice- approaches to reducing sugars consumption
  • Sugars reduction and oral health promotion–the whole school approach​​
WHO Guidance on Promoting Diet and Physical Activity through Healthy Schools​ - July 2017

Leo Nerderveen and Yuka Makino - WHO​

Yuka Makino, Technical Officer on Health Promotion at WHO will introduce WHO's Global School Health Initiative and Health Promoting Schools and the latest guidance from WHO. She will be followed by her colleague Leo Nederveen, Technical Officer in the Surveillance and Population-based Prevention who will introduce WHO's Guidance on Promoting Diet and Physical Activity in School Settings. 
Substance Abuse Prevention through Schools in Low Resource Countries: What We Know & Need to Know - June 2017

Wadih Maalouf - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Aala El-Khani - University of Manchester, UK
Isidore Obot - Centre for Research and Information on Substance Abuse (CRISA), Nigeria
Hanna Heikklia - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime​

Following up on the recent publication of a UNODC-UNESCO-WHO guidance document, this session will review and discuss the research and practice on programs preventing substance abuse, including alcohol and tobacco.

This webinar will be interactive, with remarks from several experts and practitioners, leading into a discussion among all attendees. Different aspects, effective strategies and challenges will be discussed.

A series of findings from a recent review of research, reports and resources relevant to low resource countries, presented in the form of a mini-Delphi consultation, will be circulated and discussed as a backdrop and eventual product of the session and follow-up​.

Menstrual Hygiene Management in Emergencies - Global guidelines and lessons learned from the Philippines - May 2017 ​​

Marni Sommer, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
Jon Michael Villasenor, UNICEF Philippines​

Marni Sommer discussed the Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in Emergencies Toolkit, developed by Columbia University and the International Rescue Committee in partnership with the global humanitarian response community.  The toolkit provides guidance on the assessment and interventions for a cross-sectoral MHM response in emergency contexts. The toolkit informs the existing humanitarian response guidelines for the range of relevant sectors including WASH, protection, education, health, shelter & camp management. ​

​Jon Villasenor discusses the MHM response to the typhoon Haiyan, in particular on the recovery period of the disaster in the school sector. MHM lessons learnt from the response of the Philippines Government and its development partners were discussed along with ​ how these insights could be used to improve MHM programming in schools in development and emergency situations. ​
Malaria in schools - A World Malaria Day special - April 2017

Stefan Witek-McManus, London Applied & Spatial Epidemiology Research Group, LSHTM. 

Amina Fakir-Knipiler and Christelle Maitre-Anquetil, SANOFI.  ​

Stefan Witek-McManus, highlights the results of study into the impact of Learner Treatment Kit (LTK)in schools in Malawi. This innovative study looked at the effectiveness of training teachers to use LTKs - simple first-aid kits containing malaria rapid diagnostic tests and artemisinin-based combination therapy,  to manage un​complicated malaria and other basic health problems experienced by primary school children. 

Amina Fakir-Knipiler and Christelle Maitre-Anquetil introduce the School Children ​against Malaria programme. This initiative engaged primary schoolchildren as change agents to lead to individual behavior change and engage the community in the fight against malaria. They also be ​presented the​ MOSKI KIT; a comprehensive range of tools specifically designed to conduct didactic, interactive and fun malaria learning sessions with kids within the classroom. ​​

Presentation downloads:

Strengthening Education through school feeding in Guatemala​​ - March 2017

Fidel Arevalo and Roberto Cabrera, Save the Children Guatemala  

To mark this year's International School Meals Day the FRESH webinar will be focusing on the impact that the McGovern–Dole International Food for Education Projects is having on the education, child development and food security of low-income, food-deficit communities of Guatemala. 

​Through the USDA-funded Investment for Educational Development in Highlands (IDEA Project), Save the Children Guatemala is improving reading skills, health and nutrition practices in communities and complementing the “School Feeding Program” of the Ministry Of Education of Guatemala, promoting local recipes and the use of local foods.​

Presentation downloads:

Further reading

School-related gender-based violence​ - Feb 2017

Jenelle Babb, UNESCO; Julie Hanson Swanson, USAID;Hassan Muluusi, Raising Voices, Uganda.

​This webinar will explore tools and approaches for preventing, measuring, monitoring and responding to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV), based on evidence and country experiences. 

SRGBV affects millions of children and young people, cutting across cultures, economies, peoples and practices. It constitutes a major barrier to children’s ability to learn and develop, and is correlated with lower academic achievement.

Ending school-related gender-based violence is a priority for countries wishing to achieve ambitious global goals on inclusive and quality education for all, good health and well-being and gender equality. 


Presentation downloads:
Substance Abuse Prevention in Schools​ - Nov 2016

Hanna Heikkilä, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime & Yongfeng Liu, UNESCO

This webinar discusses the role of education sector in contributing to the prevention of drug use and other risky behaviours, and introduce the types of school based approaches found effective for preventing l​​ater su​bstance​ use.

The presentation highlights the important role schools can have in preventing substance use and ensuring children and youth grow healthy and safe in to adulthood.​

Further resources

Fit for Schools - A model to promote hand washing - Oct 2016

Nicole Siegmund, ​GIZ

Basic WASH infrastructures in schools are prerequisites for positive hygiene behaviour and habit formation and address key determinants of health. This webinar looks at how the Fit for Schools Programme builds on existing systems and resources to enable the education sector within the region to implement and manage sustainable school health programmes.  ​ 

Further Resources

The Impact of School Feeding: ​Findings from Ghana - Sept 2016

​Dr Elisabetta Aurino​, Partnership for Child Development, Imperial College London

Dr Aurino discusses the initial findings of a large scale impact evaluation of the Ghana School Feeding Programme on the health and educational outcomes of children and the incomes of local small holder farmers.

Further Resources
Mapping this wormy world​ - 
The Global Atlas of Helminth Infections​ - Aug 2016

Dr Rachel Pullan

London Applied & Spatial Epidemiology Research Group (LASER), London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Rachel Pullan discusses the importance of mapping worm prevalence as a means to design and target effective school based deworming programmes.  

​​ Better together? Integrating school health programmes - Results from Ethiopia   - July 2016 

Dr Laura Appleby, 
Partnership for Child Development, Imperial College London

Laura's webinar presents initial research findings from the Enhanced School Health Initiative, an innovative collaboration with the Government of Ethiopia to assess the effectiveness of integrating multiple school health and nutrition programmes in Southern Ethiopia. 

Further reading
SHN in low income countries: What we know and need to know through Research and fieldwork​​ - June 2016

Professor Masamine Jimba
Dept of Community and Global Health 
University of Tokyo

Further reading
​​​​ Controlling Malaria in Schools - Evidence and Lessons from Mali - April 2016 

Sian Clarke, LSHTM
Seybou Diarra, Save the Children Mali

Mali has become a hot spot for innovation and inspiration regarding malaria control through schools. This webinar   reviews key scientific evidence and recent on-the-ground experience in national policy and planning, in order to stimulate debate on programmatic implications.  ​

